DNA Software & Services

Nanotechnology, Bioinformatics, and Forensics

Parabon Essemblix
Molecular Engineering Platform

Innovative DNA Nanostructure Design and Fabrication

Essemblix, Parabon's flagship molecular engineering platform, is at the forefront of precision drug design and biosensor development.

Our platform integrates cutting-edge computer-aided design (CAD) software, inSēquio™ Design Studio, with advanced nanoscale fabrication technology. This synergy empowers scientists and engineers to meticulously orchestrate the architecture of nanoscale devices, molecule by molecule.

Precision Control for High-Performance Outcomes

The essence of Essemblix is control. Our technology grants unprecedented command over critical attributes of nanoscale devices:

  • Size: Tailor dimensions to match specific biomedical applications.
  • Shape: Optimize form to enhance functionality and compatibility.
  • Surface Charge: Manipulate charge to influence cellular interactions.
  • Hydrophobicity: Adjust to control solubility and membrane permeability.
  • Functional Elements: Choose from a diverse array of functional elements for targeted activity.
  • Spatial Arrangement: Precisely position components for optimal effect.

Customizable "Plug-and-Play" Solutions

Essemblix's "plug-and-play" approach unleashes limitless possibilities to construct multifunctional compounds. Our platform's versatility accommodates a wide spectrum of functional subcomponents, paving the way for bespoke solutions that address intricate challenges in the medical and biotechnological fields.

Partner with Parabon

We're not just innovators; we're collaborators. At Parabon, we design and produce functional DNA-based nanostructures that align with our vision and meet our customers' needs. Connect with us to explore how Essemblix can revolutionize your projects, one molecule at a time.

Learn more about inSēquio

Parabon Snapshot®
Advanced DNA Analysis Service

Redefining the field of DNA Forensics

Send us a human DNA sample and, using Snapshot, we will produce a forensic profile containing predictions about the physical traits of its source.

A Snapshot "composite profile" that combines several trait predictions into a unified facial representation

Because some traits are partially determined by environmental factors and not DNA alone, Snapshot trait predictions are presented with a corresponding measure of confidence, which reflects the degree to which such factors influence each particular trait. Traits, such as eye color, that are highly heritable (i.e., are not greatly affected by environmental factors) are predicted with higher accuracy and confidence than those that have lower heritability.

The set of traits currently provided by Snapshot includes:

  • Sex
  • Ancestry
  • Skin Color
  • Face Morphology
    (Facial Structure/Shape)
  • Eye Color
  • Hair Color
  • Freckles
  • Extended Kinship Inference
    Across Multiple Samples

Parabon has outfitted Snapshot with a unique ability to predict face morphology and couple it with other related trait predictions, giving Snapshot the ability to produce a "digital mugshot" of an individual corresponding to a given DNA sample.

Learn more about Snapshot

To learn more, or to explore partnership opportunities, please contact us.