18 Jan 2019
Reston, VA — With the positive DNA identification of William Louis Nichols on New Year's Eve, announced last week
by the Hernando County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) in Florida, Parabon NanoLabs
(Parabon) closed out a historic year in DNA forensics, their law enforcement customers tallying 32 such IDs in all. Nichols,
arrested for the 1983 rape of a 12-year old girl, is the latest suspect to be pinpointed with the aid of Parabon's unique
combination of Snapshot DNA analysis tools, which includes genetic
genealogy, phenotyping, SNP mixture deconvolution and kinship testing. Over the past year, information generated by Snapshot
analysis proved stunningly accurate, providing crime solvers with case-breaking leads for investigations that, on average, had
been cold for over 20 years. Since the introduction of its genetic genealogy service in May 2018, the company has seen a solve
rate of nearly one case per week.
Read More Snapshot Success Stories »
"At first, even to us, it was startling to witness the speed with which our genetic genealogy work was able to assist
investigators make identifications, and yet now, just six or so months later, we have come to expect a successful identification
nearly every week," says CeCe Moore, who heads up Parabon's genetic genealogy unit. "Agencies worldwide are using the information
we provide to advance their cases and, like HCSO, they generally let us know when they have been able to get a confirmatory DNA
Learn More about Snapshot Genetic Genealogy »
While the majority of cases brought to Parabon have been cold, often for decades, Snapshot is increasingly being used to assist
in active investigations. Parabon CEO, Dr. Steven Armentrout, sees this as a positive trend. "In terms of societal and economic
benefit, the highest and best value of these tools is at the front end of an investigation, where they have the potential to
prevent repeat offenses and save years of investigation." he said. "Moreover, the likelihood of solving a case is much greater
when evidence is fresh." As more agencies embrace the use of Snapshot services for active investigations, the company expects to
see an even higher closure rate than achieved in 2018. "If trends continue, we could see 75-100 solves in the coming year," says
See All Published Police Investigations »

About Parabon NanoLabs, Inc.
Parabon NanoLabs is a vertically integrated DNA technology company that develops next-generation forensic and therapeutic products by leveraging the enormous power of DNA. Staffed by a uniquely qualified team of scientists and technologists whose expertise ranges from bioinformatics and chemistry to computer science and pharmacology, Parabon is bringing to market revolutionary new products and services made possible by recent advances in DNA sequencing, analysis and manufacturing technologies.
Media Contacts
Parabon NanoLabs
Paula Armentrout
P: 703.689.9689 x250
PR Contact
Laura Burgess Marketing
P: 252.288.5805